Friday, May 30, 2008

Responding To Comments

u know what u need to get?? holes?? yes, u need to get laid, and when u say u got laid like 5 years ago, i hope u werent talking about ur mother or some fat bitch!! shut up, get off the interenet, and just get some holes... shut up u fucking idiot
It's funny. Half of the idiots in the world tell me I need to find Jesus and the other half tell me I need to find some pussy.

only reason you dont belive in God is cause you get no pussy and have no life get some of both and im sure youll belive in God...
ps:your fat ugly and a pussy
Wow. The idiots are evolving. This guy combined the "no pussy" hypothesis and the "find Jesus" hypothesis into the "you haven't found Jesus because you get no pussy" hypothesis. Fascinating!

TAA, just keep an open mind. Maybe, just maybe there is a God. Maybe He is using the youtube community to reach you.
No burning bush, no parting seas, no frogs falling from the sky, no angelic revelations--just a few bothersome folk on Youtube with infantile logical capabilities? Right. That makes perfect sense. HALLELUJAH!

Profanity is the attempt of a lazy and feeble mind to express itself forcefully

Let's do an experiment:

1. I hypothesize that the earth is flat and that the stars are pinpricks in the giant clothe of the sky.

2. The earth is fucking round. Stars are giant fucking burning masses of goddamn hydrogen and other gases, you fucking dipshit.

Of those two statements, which is the most valid?

That's the problem my friend you embrace your fuckedupness.
Why is that a problem? Isn't a populace of people who are true to themselves preferable to a populace of self-deceptive judgment-mongers? As far as I am able to discern, normality is conducive to all manner of twisted behavior. Only those who dare to be abnormal have ever been truly capable of recognizing and defying the dark nature of mankind.
God has 2 wills his permissive will and his objective will. He allowed it would to be imperfect for choise and love and yes we do choose who we love we can chase after attractive women but we can also choose not to this is the mind over the flesh.
Yeah. Okay then.