Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The problem is your use of the word "new" instead of using the word "different." It's verbal slight-of-hand. Differences are easy to spot but "new" implies some sort of overhaul, a series of changes that goes further than "different." (And, no, I could never pinpoint when one became the other. But I suppose that was your point, wasn't it?)

I am different from moment to moment, but I'm the same for all intents and purposes. I have the same list of likes and dislikes, the same sense of humor, the same speech patters, sexual urges, etc.

TJ today will never be significantly different than TJ yesterday or TJ tomorrow. But, TJ 20 years ago or TJ 20-years-from-now won't bare much of a resemblance to TJ today.

If you replace a new part of your car every once in a while for 20 years until nothing is left of the old car, then it has changed and yet never ceased to be the same car.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Of my last blog, a human asked "Wouldn't it cease being you after the first change, not the last?"

Well, let me ask you a question to answer your question. If you replace a tire, do you have a new car?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

now you see me . . .

This is me right now, and honestly it probably is who I'll be tomorrow. And the next day. And the next. And the next. Until one day, through a series of imperceptible changes, it's not me anymore.

Now you see me. Now you don't.

Let that marinate a while, pilgrims.

the moon is on fire

The moon is on fire in the sky and it is about to come crashing into the earth. "The moon can't be on fire!" some scientist shouts. "There's no oxygen in its atmosphere!"

"Well," I say, looking at it. "It looks pretty on fire to me."

And then we all die.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Commercial Meanings

There's nothing like keeping a blog for a person to realize how lame an uninsightful they are. In all fairness, I'm writing two books at present (1. An as of yet untitled effort for my YouTube audience and 2. A novel that I will eventually shop around to real publishers) and the stuff that winds up in this blog is just whatever is left over afterwards. I did come up with something fun to amuse you all though. Last night, I parked my ass in front of the television set and tried to determine the exact message of several commercials that were in rotation on Comedy Central. They were as follows:

1. Save money on car insurance with progressive, so that you can waste it on frivolous purchases that your wife doesn't know about.

2. If you play the game "Rock Band" for the Nintendo Wii, you will become as cool as the members of an actual band.

3. Anything that you do after midnight, other than going to Denny's, will turn out badly.

4. Red Bull Energy Drink will enable you to fly to Heaven for the purpose of exacting revenge on your recently deceased husband for leaving his fortune to his mistress rather than you and the two children you had with him.

5. Attractive people are all inexplicably using dating services, so your ugly ass had better get in on that action.

6. Penis Enlargement Pill (Extenz) is "scientifically proven" and if it didn't work then its makers could not possible afford to put its commercials on television.

7. Without a drug called ProGene, you will be a completely unsatisfactory lover. Graphs are presented to prove this fact.

8. With AutoZone, you can restore a shitty old car that you found on the side of the road to working condition if you work on it constantly for months on end.

Leave a comment if you enjoyed it.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Only Smart People Should Kill People

Do not take out a life insurance policy on the person you plan to kill just weeks before killing them! How obvious is that shit? Fucking morons.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Headache Goodness

I have a minor headache and--all light and noise is annoying. Hypochondriac that I am I keep convincing myself that it’s a tumor from talking on my cell phone too much. Damn you, random under-aged internet girls with lax parental supervision!

I think I need to exercise more, but it’s just too fucking hot to move. I don’t belong in this sort of climate. I need to make some money so I can get out of here.

Speaking of money, if any of you shop at T-shirt Hell, please use the link on my site


because I get money for any shirts you buy. This is not a lame endorsement either because the shirts are actually pretty fucking sweet. My favorite one says, “I know violence isn’t the answer. I got it wrong on purpose.”

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Prison Bras And Broads

I had a dream the other night that I went to prison.

For some reason, the prison had a botanical theme. There were plants everywhere.

The inmates showered in a large, open area, but I was nervous about showering amongst them due to my small penis, so I managed to find a shower head that was somewhat separated from the others.

Suddenly, a gaggle of teenage girls appeared near me and were all laughing at me. I thought they were laughing at my penis but it turned out that they were enamored with my mantits. They brought me a bra to wear to amuse them (how they had the foresight to bring this bra, I'm not certain).

For some reason, this dream was arousing. I'm odd.